Manifestation and Mimosas

Episode 53: Get Your Journal Out! 7 Powerful Journaling Practices to Transform Your Life

Nicole & Sophia Season 2 Episode 53

Are you seeking powerful self-expression and personal growth? Discover the transformative practice of journaling in this episode, where we explore 7 different journaling practices that can unlock your true potential. 

Challenge yourself to journal at least once a day this week, and watch as powerful shifts unfold in your life. Settle in with a journal and pen you love, and let your thoughts pour onto the page. Don't miss this opportunity to harness the transformative power of journaling and ignite your personal growth journey.

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Nicole & Sophia

Speaker 1:

Happy Sunday Funday. Yeah Right, mm hmm, and it's always Sunday Funday. Here is this episode. We wanted to do one on journaling Mm hmm, journaling 101.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We talk a lot about journaling. We say get your journal out, girls. Journal out girl, which might be the title of the episode Get your journal out, yeah, but if you are not a journaler, it might be, you might not understand it, just like meditation. Yeah, there's different methods, yep, different reasons. You might do a certain style.

Speaker 2:

Yep, all of that, yeah. Or if someone says I don't really like journaling, yeah, like I wonder what type of journaling you're doing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And what type of journaling you could be doing.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I've tried all of these, and I go through different periods where a certain one might click more Yes, or what I do in the morning versus the night changes. Yeah, um, i'll be completely honest, i haven't been journaling much lately, which is probably part of my funk, so gonna get back into that. Mm, hmm, but journaling here we go Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right. So intentionally, we want this to help you unlock the power of self-expression and personal growth through the transformative practice of journaling. Yes, that is the intention of this episode, so get with it, mm. Hmm, get your journal out, okay, and you're gonna enjoy this one, yeah, for sure. You ready, i'm ready, so I have. Let's see. What do I have? One, two, three, four, five. I've highlighted five journaling types. Okay, and you might have a different one, i'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

I have a couple in the old canoodle Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, i know how you work, girl, so we'll see as we go through here If they're the same. If they're the same, we're totally different. Yeah, um. So the first one is one of my favorites that I used during the winter, as prescribed by my coach, and it is called Stream of Consciousness Journaling. It can also be known as artist pages. There was a gallery on a book about it. When you're in a creative slump, yeah, um, it can really help you get out of that. But a stream of conscious journaling, i would say, is the easiest to follow for people who are new to journaling. Yeah, there should be no judgment involved in this one. So that's what makes it nice, yes, is it's just a stream of consciousness. There's no rereading it Like no stopping and reading and then keep going. If you start doing that, then you know you're in your head too much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you start to check in a little too deeply Check in.

Speaker 1:

So it involves writing continuously, without censoring what you're writing and without judgment. as we mentioned, it allows thoughts to flow free on the paper. Um, it offers a sense of release and facilitating reflection. It's basically, um, it can just help you get through certain thought patterns and unconscious shit, just by letting it flow, man Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, stream of consciousness, journaling, um, when you might want to use this, and this is what we're going to touch on on each of these, because that's like that's where you need to evolve your practices evolve your meditations, the things you're doing in your life Don't be stagnant. Yes, It's like if you're only going to eat one food the rest of your life, like why?

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly Variety. Here we are. Well, and be intentional, this is how I'm feeling, so this is the type of journaling I'm going to use. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Exactly The way to use this is. you know when you need to clear your mind and release pent up energy. So, again, that's why I did it during the winter, because I just had all of these thoughts and none of them made sense and I didn't know what to do with them. So she's like you just got to get it out on paper.

Speaker 1:

Don't judge it. And the other thing when we talk about journaling, we get so hung up and positive, like, oh, make sure it's really positive. And then you're like, well, if I'm writing negative shit, this is the journaling practice where you can just get all the shit out. Oh yeah, and I do. You can talk shit, get it out I do Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Don't read it, don't read it. Because there's some you know dark shit in there sometimes. Yeah, if I'm feeling super overwhelmed or super like, my thoughts are just all over the place and I need it's all cluttered. Yeah, it's all crazy in there. I got to let it all out. That's the go to. Yeah, just write it and write. No need to like, you're not worried about punctuation?

Speaker 2:

No, Spelling or any of that, like. None of that matters. What matters is that all these jumbled thoughts that you have in your brain you're getting onto your paper and you're not judging it, you're just letting it go. You can say whatever you want. Yes, whatever is coming up for you, write it down blindly. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Right, yes.

Speaker 2:

Super easy It out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it also helps you, you know, explore some of your thoughts and feelings about a specific situation. So if you're going through something specific and you just want to, like, vent it out, it's basically your venting journal. Yep, yes, yes, yes, and it might be nice to have. I mean, you can have a journal where you have all the different types in them, or you can have different journals for different type of journaling practices.

Speaker 1:

You can play with it. Of course, It also helps you spark creativity. So when I talk about the artist pages and I wish I could remember her name right now Andrea had me read her book, but she talks a lot about it's just getting into that creative energy And when you are just stuck on these spiraling thoughts like we're talking about you just got to get it out.

Speaker 2:

Well, and we are a manifestation podcast And when you keep all of those thoughts inside, it will manifest in weird ways. It will manifest in pains, it will manifest in like weird shit comes out And you know it's. sometimes it's your body and sometimes it's your environment, and sometimes it's like how you're lashing out at people. but don't let it. don't let it fester and spread.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, get it out. Some tips on it is right, without censoring or filtering your thoughts. Let it freely flow onto the page. Don't worry about grammar, spelling, punctuation, like you said, focus on capturing just thoughts and emotions. How are you feeling about it? Get it out. Don't have any shame over it. Write quickly and continuously. so this is important. We have that tendency to like stop and read it and then do it. We just talked about that, but don't, don't do that shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Keep it moving.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, about a real hard time, not going like wait, is it T-I-O-N or what is?

Speaker 1:

it Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like am.

Speaker 1:

I spelling that. How is that?

Speaker 2:

one And you just let it go, just scribble, you know what you're thinking. You don't have to reread it, no one's going to grade it. Yeah, does not matter. Exactly From your brain to your pen, to your paper. That's the point.

Speaker 1:

Yes, And you might feel like a crazy person if you reread it, so just don't reread it.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I often will reread mine and be like yeah, i am feeling pretty like really intense about this one thing. This is coming up a lot. I see this word eight times. Like all right, maybe that's something that I want to try to work out, but if you don't feel like reading it, don't. If you just need to vent and say whatever you want to say, don't read it, throw it in the garbage.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Exactly, don't matter.

Speaker 1:

So this is the first one, the easiest. Try it out. If you're new to journaling, just do it. Yeah, you'll like it, i promise you. It's like meditation. Once you get in the swing of it, it starts to help really change your mind, your life. All of the fun stuff.

Speaker 1:

The next one I've also done intuitive journaling And so there's lots of fun ways you can do this one And this also feels a little crazy, a little kooky, but this is really on listening to your inner wisdom and allowing your intuition to flow through you into your journal. It is tapping into your subconscious mind, expressing your thoughts, feeling and insights, without judgment or preconceived notions, and there are lots of fun ways to do this one. Like I said it is. It can be a little crazy. I've done it where you write with your right hand your question and you answer the question with your left hand. There is, there is you could just write all in your left hand and there's some interesting theories on it. Maybe we'll do another episode on it. Thank you. Writing with your left hand taps into a different energy, like writing with your non-dominant hand.

Speaker 2:

I was just gonna say do you mean you're non-dominant?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so lots of fun there. But this journaling practice is good for when you need to gain clarity and guidance when you're faced on important decisions in your life. Maybe you're looking at a new job, new home, moving, you know, maybe relationship stuff just really asking your inner wisdom to come to life on the page is the point of this, when you're exploring and understanding your intuition and gut feelings that maybe you are somebody who doesn't really get in touch with your intuition a lot.

Speaker 1:

This is a great practice to like, help you draw it out, get there right. Yeah, tapping into your inner wisdom and higher self. So your inner wisdom is your higher self so it's just another word for that intuitive feeling And to examine and process your emotions on a deeper level. So those are really why you might wanna do it. The benefits, some of the actual practices with it is really starting when you're doing an intentional intuitive journal. Practice is starting with a little bit of breath, work, meditation, getting clear, yes, yes, because, as we've talked about many times before, if you're not feeling clear, it's gonna be hard to feel that intuitive hit coming through or to let it flow as easily.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, something that I have done in the past is doing the I always call it blind journaling, because I don't know what's gonna come out and I'm not gonna read it, and, like that first type of journal that we were talking about, get it all out, meditate, feel a little bit centered and then, intuitively, journal, go. Okay, this is something I was really feeling. This is something that's hitting me over and over again. I really wanna explore this. And then you're really more focused, you're very much more intuitive, but having the time to do them hand in hand, i think, can be really helpful. Yes, it's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Let's see. you can write down any questions or area of concerns you have in your life, So this is where you can bring in some questions for yourself, like I said, try writing it with your dominant hand, first the question and then answer it just try it, just see how it goes.

Speaker 2:

It's really an interesting practice.

Speaker 1:

You can relax and let your intuition guide. You trust the first thought, so again, this is where trust comes in. Don't question it. Intuitively it's saying something where you're like, oh, that's weird. Just don't judge it. Let it come out. Yes, we bottle up our natural inner wisdom so much with all this society, shit and what we should do, and so then we can be confused when the voice comes through.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right.

Speaker 1:

So do that. Pay attention to patterns, symbols, reoccurring themes in your writing. This holds the valuable insight, right, like you said. Oh, i noticed they wrote that word a lot. If you're doing that in intuitive journaling, like really key in and then get curious on that word, like what does this mean to me? Why is this coming up? Yeah, right, and we already said don't judge, so Always Don't be a judgy bitch in your journal.

Speaker 2:

practice Working on it.

Speaker 1:

So anything else on that one, no Intuition very strong, very powerful, love it. I have used that, yes, when there was big decisions coming and I really needed to get clear. So, yes, it's a great practice for that. The third one, which is really fun, and we've talked about this one, is scripting. Oh, yes, So scripting is your, I know it's good, and I think this is probably the one that we've hit on the most.

Speaker 1:

Yes, this last year the last season, and this is where you're envisioning and imagining your ideal future. You're writing about it in detail, in a descriptive manner. It involves writing as if you're already living the life you desire, as if it has already come to fruition. So this is really that intentional manifestation scripting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, And all of the past point supply. Don't judge. Trust what comes up. Be intuitive about it. One of the things that is most important when I do this is to trust the story that I'm writing because I am the author. It's not, it just is exactly. It can be whatever I want Yeah, Whatever the fuck I want. Like it does not have to fit anyone else's narrative because it's my story and I'm the author. So trust the chapter Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Trust the book, just write it. Write it how you want it, don't have to include anyone else. It can be just for you, just for you Write your story.

Speaker 1:

The scripting is super powerful. This is one that that Roxy had done some episodes on. that It was really. I mean, it's the heart of manifestation when you talk about journaling.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So we already mentioned, it's really good when you're manifesting goals and desires, you're creating those clear visions and details to get you to when you're. The more clear you are right, the more, the more easily it is to manifest something. So, yes, i agree, helps you get clarity. Also, it can be used for boosting self-confidence and positive thinking. Right, if you're, maybe you have a goal about self-love or body positivity and you're writing the story of this vision you have for yourself or how you want to feel, right, yeah, it can be not physical manifestations, but even more feeling manifestations, definitely Reinforcing affirmations and empowering beliefs. So, again that you're writing it from a now perspective and it's positive. Yes, scripting is positive. This is where we're gonna say leave the negative shit out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, if you need, if you gotta get that out first, do that first. That's fine. When you're scripting and when you're telling the story of your own life, make sure that you're telling a positive story. You deserve to have a really great life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Write it down And this is a really good one. Yeah, to do it night, because I can't remember which teacher author that was talking about this. I want to say is Wayne Dyer, but you know your final thoughts before you go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really putting in those like that dream life and imagining it, and I think, even Roxy had said like this is a good one for the evening, it's good practice in the evening, mm-hmm. And you can also align your thoughts and actions to your desired reality. So again, creating that connection super important, yeah. So some ways you can do this. Start by envisioning the future you desire, imagine it in vivid detail, with strong positive emotions, so really, yeah the words are very powerful in this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Make it come alive. Well, and tap into. How are you feeling when you're creating that story? How excited, how full of like Ambition are you when you're writing it or reading it or thinking it?

Speaker 1:

That's where you should be exactly Mm-hmm, right in the present tense, as if you're already experiencing your desired reality, and be specific in detail. Again, details are key. Focus on the positive aspects and outcomes you want to manifest in your life. Yeah, use affirmations and empowering language to reinforce your beliefs And intentions. Right, being really intentional. We love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah they also suggest, like you know, reading your scripts Regularly to reinforce your goals. So if you write one that's really powerful, mm-hmm, make it your bedtime story. You read to yourself and like you can add things to it, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's where that you know, scripting journal by your bed might be really powerful. Yeah, because you can add to it and oh, yes, and this thing, and yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know that might be a cool practice to stack on the joy. Yeah, so that's scripting Mm-hmm, one of our most powerful, one of our most practiced. You need to get back into that one. It's so great, it's so necessary. Yeah, this next one is also powerful. I think this is the one I use in most of my like coaching practices. Mm-hmm is reflective journaling. Oh yeah, and so reflective journaling is where you're writing about your personal experiences, thoughts and emotions. It helps you promote self-awareness, emotional expression Process, challenging situations again with the coaching. Yeah, it allows you to gain insights into your own behavior And promotes personal growth. So this is where you're gonna use our prompts. So any of our workbooks that we've put out have all been reflective journaling practices. Yeah, most of them, right. So they were. They ask you a question.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't have your own questions, you can look on the internet if you're doing a certain thing You can message us We can use some prompts, definitely We give you prompts in our episodes.

Speaker 1:

Reflective journaling is really about curiosity. Yeah, right, yes, it's super powerful. Yeah, or you can use this when you're processing or learning from a challenging experience Yep. Or personal interactions with people. If you're trying to understand, like why does this keep showing up, why is this happening in my life? This is a good journaling practice for you. Yeah, if you're examining the patterns and behaviors in your relationship and your own, you know. Personal interactions with the world Very powerful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, It's a good place to celebrate when you've done something that you've been practicing. Yep you don't.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying yeah, yeah, i love that, yeah, get curious about it, exploring personal growth and self-improvement, if you, you know, you want to understand why maybe you've Haven't succeeded at something and you really want to reflect on it, or you know any of those reflective insights and you might want to find lessons and insights from past experiences. So this is where you might look at the past to inform the present and the future. Mm-hmm, so it is Really powerful. We do it all the time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Find some prompts, ask yourself questions and dig deeper. It's mining every question.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and why? and you can get to the root of the answer. Yeah, some little tips on the practicing this. Set aside dedicated time for reflection, preferably at the end of the day or at the end of a significant event. So yeah it is good to reflect at the end of every day and again, if you don't, maybe you're not even journaling it and you're just kind of meditating on or thinking about it. But any of that intentional, conscious awareness of how your day went, Yeah, well, or if you've had a stressful event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know we had the grad party and you know took so to the airport, blah, blah, blah. So after those things it was a lot of like build up, build up, build up, high, sort of like everything is going on and and then the let go of like I can't control anything else of it, and then they come down. Yeah, i finally got to a point where I was like, okay, it's time to reflect on all of those things.

Speaker 2:

It's time to reflect on the things I was worried about that didn't happen. It's time to reflect on the things that I feel like I should be celebrating. It's time to reflect on, you know, my you know the things that I sort of conquered, you know, not Overthinking, not rehearsing problems that haven't happened yet, not having arguments in my head that are not existent, whatever like getting to the point where you go okay, this is reality, this is how it went and I feel really you know great about that, or whatever. And why was I worried about this in the first place? blah, blah, blah. That's the type of mining that, like personally, i have done recently good, super helpful.

Speaker 1:

It is right. Yeah, yes, i love it. I do this all the time Recap and explore your experiences, emotions and thoughts, just kind of how you mentioned, in an honest manner. Yeah, really honest with yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, don't sugarcoat it. It's not for anyone else. You don't have to prove something to somebody else. Just be honest with yourself.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, it's be real, ask yourself questions that encourage deep self-awareness and insights, and also consider what you've learned from the situation, how you can apply the lesson. So it is just again super curious, really mining and digging for that, those little golden seeds of understanding and intention. Yeah, yeah, mm-hmm. So that's reflective journaling. I highly recommend check out all of our workbooks as well. They're on our website Mm-hmm, super fun. And then the last one we have also recommended is gratitude journaling. Oh, yeah, it's a good one. I like to start my day with gratitude journaling. Yep, so I think it's a good morning practice, but you can do it any time of the day. Yes, so gratitude, you know. Focus on expressing gratitude for the positive aspects in your life. It helps you cultivate a positive mindset, reduces stress, enhances overall well-being. It encourages you to notice and appreciate the small blessings and joys in your life. Right, yeah, absolutely. I'm grateful for even the smallest thing. The sky is blue today and I love it. It makes me happy. Yeah, you know, done, right, the simple things.

Speaker 2:

Yes, i mean, and even if you wake up and you're like, oh, this again. Yeah, you know, get through your day, and I will Mentally be like, oh, this really great thing happened. Or I mean, i had such a fun lunch, i ran into so-and-so, or or I accomplished this Something I was working on. I'll sort of like pin that yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I want to be really grateful for it. And so when I'm doing some gratitude journaling, i can pull those experiences and be like, even if my day started out a little like Hard to get going, i'll pull out like, oh, i remember this, i'm grateful for that and this and this. It can be a daily practice. Yeah, i love that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's a very important one. Do not, do not skip this one. Yeah if any of them are gonna be powerful in changing your mood and your mindset, it's gratitude, yeah, and it's high five.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you might want to use this when you're cultivating a positive mindset and increasing overall well-being, if you're countering negative thoughts. You know This is a great time to, like you mentioned, if you wake up with those shitty thoughts and you're like okay, i got to find something to be grateful for. Yes, this is the practice You are practicing. Mindfulness, being present, gratitude puts us in that present moment.

Speaker 1:

Which is really powerful and important to start your day that way, yes, and Cultivate a sense of appreciation and gratitude for all those little small things in life. As we mentioned, love it. So that's sort of why and how you can do this is, you know, begin by focusing on positive aspects of your life and the things You're grateful for. So, like we said, it could be very small You don't have to spend a lot of time digging or it can be big Yeah, every day it can be something different. Every day It could be the same thing. Yeah, there's no rules here.

Speaker 1:

Just play with it and have fun Whatever feels best to you. Yes, have fun. Write down specific moments, experiences or people you appreciate. You know. We talked about the power of appreciation, even with Jamie Lerner in that episode. Yeah, you know appreciating people. We've seen the magic of appreciation, just even telling people I appreciate you. Yeah, that's super powerful.

Speaker 1:

Yes tell them, but also write about it. Yes, please, cultivate a daily gratitude practice by committing to writing a certain number of things you're grateful for. You've seen this in like Warning routines, like I'm gonna find ten things, and it really does. You know you don't have to do this, but if you're like every day I'm gonna find ten things, it helps you mine a little bit better. Yes, right, definitely big and small, mm-hmm, and reflect on the emotions that arise as you express gratitude and allow yourself to fully express them.

Speaker 2:

you know, yeah, one thing that I'll do sometimes is, throughout my day I will think like I'll get to the end of my day and I go, okay, what was the best thing that happened to me today? And it's interesting how it's shaped, how I move through my day, because I'm looking for all of the great things. Something wonderful will happen and I'll be like, oh, is this the best thing that happened to me today or is there more? Is this the one that I'm really going to be thinking about? And sometimes I'll get home and I'll ask the kids what's the best thing that happened to you today? And so I've got them thinking about it. I'll ask them what's the best thing that happened to you today? And sometimes the best thing that happened was I got to come home on time.

Speaker 2:

I had a really rough day and the best thing is that I'm home now and I feel relaxed. That's okay, that's fine. But other days, i promise you, you're going to have to sift through so much good stuff to get to the best thing that happened all day. It's really great. It really helps me to look for the good. Not just ignore it as it passes me by.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ask the people around you. Yeah, that's super powerful. We did that at the end of our trip. We're like what was your favorite part of the trip, presley, and what was yours? And we all just love talking about the good parts, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yep Relive the memories.

Speaker 2:

Have a good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so those are the five that I sort of use commonly.

Speaker 2:

Do any that we didn't touch on for you, so only two that I had in my mind that you didn't mention, and they both tie in. So one ties more directly to the gratitude. So I'll talk about that first, and it's basically shadow and light journaling. Sometimes, if I really feel like I need balance, this is what I will do. So I'll write something on the shadow side that's like I'm feeling, maybe more in a more negative sense. I'll list that And then on the light I will all I'll do the contrast of that, like oh, i'm so tired, and I'll put that on the shadow side And then on the light side I'll say I have so much to fill my day, like I have.

Speaker 2:

I have family and friends and meaningful things that are filling my day, or I've been working so hard that mentally I am tired, but I know that that's growth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right. So so the shadow and light, And, like I said, really I use that when I'm looking for balance And by the end of it I do shadow on one side on one page, light on the other page. I contrast each one, So I'm not heavily leaning, you know, negatively by any means, But it ties a lot into gratitude because that can help you pull to the light side And it's all about balance. So I do like to use that one when I'm feeling a little like I like that's what I need, a little off kilter. The other one that I just love this one I was like excited to talk about this type of journaling specifically, and I learned it from Abraham Hicks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's where you journal basically And maybe it's I use it for journaling, but you could use it at any time. But essentially what I do is I will journal and list all of the things that I know I'm going to be taking care of, and then I'll journal and list all the things that I want the universe to take care of for me. And so, if I'm right, if I'm feeling like I have so much going on I'm really overwhelmed. I have work, i have family, I have all these things, a million places to go and a million appointments to keep, and things keep piling on I'll stop and start to separate And I'll go.

Speaker 2:

These are the things that I feel like I'm responsible for, these are the things that I'm going to put effort into my life, and these things I'm going to let go and let the universe take care of them, not going to worry about them. I'm going to get them off my plate, out of my hands, off my mind. The universe is going to take care of it. I trust that it will happen exactly the way it's supposed to. Yeah, and I let it go. I am no, tomorrow, i'm not going to worry about it. I'm not going to think about it. It's oftentimes, if I'm waiting for, like, an email from someone or God you know, i have this stupid like rebate thing going on right now with whatever, so that's all. I'll be like I'm not even worried about it.

Speaker 2:

I am not obsessively checking my email every day. I'm letting the universe take care of that one. It'll come when it's supposed to come. It's going to be off my mind. It's out of my hands. It's off my mind, plain and simple.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's a good one for me when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Helps me really clear the space. I'm giving this to the universe, I'm keeping this for myself And off we go.

Speaker 1:

I like that. It's a good one to try. It's a fun one. And I bet there's like so many more to know about. Probably little journaling exercises.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All kinds of fun stuff. Yes, ma'am.

Speaker 2:

Those are good.

Speaker 1:

So maybe from this episode, reflecting on you know which ones resonate with you. Yeah, You know. Do you have a journaling practice? Do you have a journal, You know? yeah, finding a journal you love, you know like physically that you love, is really important. And your pen and, like I think I said before, I like to write in different colors and you know you have your own little unique practice.

Speaker 1:

Yes, ma'am, right. So reflect on that Which one spoke to you and challenge yourself this week, you know, every day this week, to journal at least once a day. If you can, morning and night. You're going to see powerful shifts in your life. Yes, like when you meditate. Ladies, that's right, trust us. So how do you know unless you try?

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, yeah, so do it for a week, that's. Bye.

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