Manifestation and Mimosas

Episode 54: Your Season of Expansion: Harnessing Summer's Energy & Enjoying the Fruits of Manifestation

Nicole & Sophia Season 2 Episode 54

This episode is all about embracing the summer season of expansion, a time of transformation and creation, where we align action with intention. We delve into the essence of the conscious creatrix  and explore how to cultivate our environment to facilitate personal growth and reap the fruits of our intentions.

Imagine if every step you took today was expansive and transformative - how different would your life be? We'll share the significance of investing time, energy and funds, in nurturing our intentions and sustaining our transformation. 

Join us for this fun and juicy episode!

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Sending you love and goddess vibes.

Nicole & Sophia

Speaker 1:

Thank you for coming back to the show, as always, sunday Fonday as always.

Speaker 1:

We wanted to follow up the season of growth with the season of expansion, because that is what we're in. It's summertime, baby, yeah, yes, sunshine, yep. It's a time of transformation, strength, beauty, like so many things when we look at nature, right? So we're going to stick with a similar theme as the season of growth, and if you did not listen to the episode, i would say it's probably one of my favorite episodes in the whole podcast series. So if you didn't listen to it, go back. It was one of the first ones from this season, yeah, and it sets the stage. So in that one, we really talked about planting your seeds of intention and your growth and how to facilitate growth, right, yes? So the beautiful part about this season of expansion is your growth was more fragile.

Speaker 1:

It's a time when you think of that plant and that seed. If you ever did that little science project as a kid where you have a little bean and you put it in the paper towel and it gets all moldy, Yeah, You know what I mean. It's such a sense Growth. Your start of your growth is so sensitive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, any little anything wrong in the environment or change in the environment that your seed doesn't jive with, and it might not make it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and that's where we talked a lot about nutrients. Also, we didn't hype in the episode because it wasn't done yet. I did a whole workbook on it and it's beautiful. So we're going to put it in this episode, the link to the workbook for your season of growth, because if you didn't do it you should do that. Yeah, and we'll try to get a workbook for this one to complement it, because I kind of like that seasonal flow right.

Speaker 1:

And then we'll do one in fall, and we'll do one in winter as we wrap out the podcast.

Speaker 2:

For sure.

Speaker 1:

So when you look at the season of growth and you planted your seed of intention and we talked about all the nutrients you need and the balance of things that you need the toxins and what the medicines were right, now it's different. As you're going into summer, it's really about strength and your roots are set in. So at this point, your roots are set in you're going to need to now fluctuate those nutrients. It's less about the balance and it's more about OK, i need more of this.

Speaker 1:

Like this is the time where you need more of some things and less of other things, just like in the plant world. Right, that's right, the sun shining, you might need a little bit more watering, nourishment, all of that stuff. So, keeping with that vibe, this is all to help you blossom, because summer is all about the flowers and getting to the fruits. Yes, the intention of the episode is to guide you through your season of expansion so you can enjoy the fruits of your intentions.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right, right, because what's the point if you can't benefit from the harvest?

Speaker 1:

Exactly So. The fruits of your intentions are your manifestations. Yeah, this is it. Yeah, the fruits are the delicious part. Yeah, that's the part we're trying to get to. Yeah, growth was hard. Yes, it's not easy, right, it's challenging work, so is this season. There are some things you've got to have to battle through, and we'll talk about that.

Speaker 2:

For sure.

Speaker 1:

We'll have some journal prompts and things like that, but first want to talk about the energy of it and then really what our fruits are and how you journal through that and work through that, based on your intentions. So again, go back and do the first episode, because it's important to know what is your intentions.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What are you even trying to create a fruit in?

Speaker 2:

What are your?

Speaker 1:

manifestations from Right. For us, for me, it was love, for you, it was growth. Yes, right, mm-hmm. This season is also about the energy of the conscious creatrix. So we talked last year on the goddess vibes about these different energies of the season. The conscious creatrix is that mother. When we talk about the goddess energies of the maiden, mother, crown, wild woman, Yeah, this is the mother, so she is a little bit more nurturing, she's creating life. This represents full moon energy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So the full moons during the summer are really powerful for practices. Yeah, and this is the fire energy It's doing, yeah, a little bit more divine masculine in this energy. Right, it's that divine feminine with the divine masculine. Yes, a nice balance there, yeah, so to go on that. This is about aligned action. So practices and routines Yes, it's about creative flow. So getting yourself into that creative flow, feminine energy, and radiating that feminine energy, that mother energy, that creatrix is super feminine And she's just letting it out in all ways, yeah, showing it off. Yeah, it's about resilience and strength. Like we said In that growth stage, that little seed, it would have died if it didn't have the right balance. Now it's about a bit of resilience, like, oh, we have a little bit of a drought. We're going to add this in, we're going to do that. So it's about how to facilitate the growth being through strength and resilience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've seen it sprout And it's time to keep it. How do I keep it going? Keep it going, like keep that momentum, exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's about connection and expression. So when we look around in summer and the beautiful flowers and it's the showcasing like who you are and being really expressive and connecting with others, summer season is very social.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, right Going out.

Speaker 1:

You're doing things. Going to barbecues Yeah, I love it. Nature's doing the same thing. Yes, Birds and the bees, they're all out.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I pay.

Speaker 1:

Vibing. And then, lastly, it's fertility and nurturing energy, like we talked about, yeah. So it's that giving birth to something, your creative ideas, your fruits are coming, which we'll talk about the harvest season, and that wild woman energy in the next one. As we go into fall, the first thing I think you need to do is think about in this season is what are the fruits of that seed of intention you planted? Yeah, so I did some thinking on this for me, and You know again, your, if you chose a virtue I chose love, you chose growth right Right so this is the fun part, where you get to go.

Speaker 1:

What are the fruits of if I'm in full alignment and embodiment of love? What are the fruits of that? What is going to come to me. Yeah, what do I desire, what do I hope to have come from that? Yeah, manifest it, babe right. Yeah, so your fruits are the manifestations for me if I'm looking at love and if I'm fully embodying it. Number one is deep and meaningful Connections with people, with those around me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so I kept it super generic. And those around me I didn't choose specific relationships, but you can get so specific on these, like deep and meaningful relationship with my partner or my child or, you know, my co-workers. Whatever you want it to be, you can be super specific. For me, i'm looking for that more deep connections with everyone that I come in contact with, right, yeah, true self-love, except it's and compassion for myself. Yeah, i haven't gotten there yet.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know you're not supposed to be there yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, growing and getting the fruit, It's coming right, self-care routines that make me feel loved and nourished. Yes, so I will manifest those and again I'm working on those and I have a lot of routines, but maybe there I'm gonna find the few that really nourish me and make me Continue to live in the energy of love. Yeah, I'm looking for more focus on How I can serve versus ego needs.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I will be manifesting those ways that I am serving and showing up and Doing better in the world and giving more and more, more gratitude and all those things that energy of love will manifest that for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean your serving looks today. Yeah, hello you baby.

Speaker 1:

Hello to Taze And Inner peace. The last one is inner peace and free spirit energy. So, manifesting that energy, that bringing that out, that true inner peace. When I think about love, i know that it will help me Really find that inner peace, that harmony with myself and the world around me and just being in flow man. Yeah, just sounds so beautiful. I feel good. It feels good. I like that, yes. So now I need to ask you Okay, what are the fruits? Yeah, of your seed of intention, which is growth.

Speaker 2:

so I thought a lot about this as well, of course, and I started realizing, like, what has Sort of shifted in my life since I really became intentional about this. A couple of things came up, one of which I realized that I had been asking permission to live my life as if, you know, it was up to others for for myself to to succeed. And I realized I don't need to do that. I don't have to ask permission to do anything. No, i mean especially not to live, especially not to do the things that I enjoy. If it feels good to me, if it feels like it's something that I want to do And I want to plan for, i want to move forward in. That's all I need.

Speaker 2:

I don't need any outside of validation, i don't need anyone to approve or sign off, and I realized I was doing Way too much of that, yeah, and, and since I started really harvesting this growth and being intentional about it, i just did it less and less naturally and realized, oh, that's really a part of this, that's really something that I have sort of separated from and move forward in my independence, yeah, which has been great. Another thing that I noticed was my Allowance to celebrate myself. There's some like Celebration of the fact that you're working, the fact that you're growing, that you can change your mind, you can go do something else and exactly who I am is right, like I've always fought with this idea that I should be different, or something about me is wrong or I could be great If only.

Speaker 2:

I did this one thing or I was this one different type of person, and that's all lies. That's all false.

Speaker 2:

None of that is true, like Celebrating the fact that I am me right now is great, like it feels so good because you know I would also do the thing where I'd like, well, celebrate myself, when, when I do this thing, when I Go on vacation, when I lose 10 pounds, when I'd save up X amount of dollars or whatever, i don't need to wait to celebrate me, i'm great. I celebrate me right now, right Anyway, it was a lot of Sort of cultivating that and knowing that I can. I have freedom of choice. That was another very juicy fruit for me was like You can just grow into Anything you want and you're always doing it. I'm doing it now.

Speaker 2:

I was doing it before and I was really holding back and now the release, the, the ability to let go and just grow in whatever way feels natural is Is exactly the expression that I'm trying to get to, because I think I would really focus on Trying to grow in this specific way, put a label on it This is how you're supposed to grow, this is what you're supposed to do, and that's just. It wasn't working for me And it's not going to work for me in the future. I need to naturally expand and just figure out.

Speaker 2:

Does this feel best? Does this feel right and go for it? Yeah, like those are. Those are the fruits that I've noticed really coming up most for me, and it's just Beautiful. Yeah, it feels so good I.

Speaker 1:

It feels so good. I like that. Yeah, the fruits are supposed to be delicious.

Speaker 1:

They're very juicy, juicy, enjoy them, yeah. So it's a good activity to do for whoever you are. Just in, whatever you had intended for this season, yeah, you know, really, just building on that, what are the fruits? And you can get super specific, you can be super generic. This is your journey, absolutely Like do your damn thing, yeah. And as you're going along, i think it's important to re-root in asking yourself because, again, this season is about taking that aligned action. So every action you take, everything should be in the energy of expansion. So you're like is this going to help me expand? Yes, is this, does this make me feel expansive? And if it does not, lean out of it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is the question you need to ask yourself. Last season was, you know, the divine dreamer and it was all about that, you know, growth, energy and that real kindness to yourself and taking it easy but still dreaming right. This one is about expansion. Ask yourself that Everything you're doing is it expansive? If it is not, if you don't like it, if it doesn't feel good, knock it off. Get back in the energy of expansion. Also ask yourself, with your specific virtue, does this feel loving?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For me? does this feel loving? Is this love You?

Speaker 2:

know and.

Speaker 1:

I catch myself all the time with that question. Right Yeah, what would I do if I was embodying love? Like would I be doing this? What are we doing?

Speaker 2:

that, exactly, exactly, yeah, and I think in my case, with growth, it's a lot of like. Is this an old pattern or is this something new? Is this kind of the same old shit that you didn't really care for before Because it's easy to slip back, or is this growing? Is this new? Is this exciting? Is it an adventure? Do you feel a little bit like you're going for it, or do you feel like you're sliding into old patterns and kind of doing the same old routine For me wasn't giving me joy, was no longer getting me anywhere. That's why I chose growth, because I want to grow into something new.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's so important. So the last part of this really is as I give you. So I have some journal prompts along with the. These are the kind of the actions of the season, right? So there's the actions of the season, based on the energy we just talked about and all of those beautiful things, and apply it to your certain virtue or your seat of intention, but also always ask yourself that question about expansion. Apply it to these questions. So the first step is of the season is really around taking steps that are aligned with your intention of virtue, right? So it's that aligned action and that's just a better definition of it taking the steps that are aligned with it, right? So question number one what actions can I take that will help me embody this virtue? What actions can I take to help me embody love? Yeah, so I have a journal. These are very reflective. What steps feel the most intuitive to me? We talked a lot about intuition with Lauren and all season long Asking yourself that question is so powerful. What next step feels intuitive? Listen to that. Yeah, something important there.

Speaker 1:

So, number two investing time and energy into nourishing and nurturing your intention, right, yeah? And number three what investments can I make to support my transformation in this space, what investments feel most expansive and transformative? So this is where you're applying time and money. Ladies, what do you need to do that? And so, for me, i scheduled a time like I'm going to stay at the Allison Inn for a night by myself, work on my creative projects and just kind of like be in my own little world, and that is an investment for myself that I want to do. So it could be time. It could be investing in your morning routines, which we'll talk about next.

Speaker 1:

So number three is creating routines and practices that support your transformation in this space. So what routines do I want to incorporate into my season of expansion? What feels good to you? Is it waking up early? Maybe it's not waking up early, maybe it's a lunchtime meditation or an evening sound bath. What can you commit to in a routine and practice? Because, again, remember, summer is about the doing energy. It's not about just sitting anymore. We're doing. What routines give me energy and make me feel most alive?

Speaker 1:

That's a very powerful question. If you think about that like what makes you feel most alive? If it's not meditation, then I'll fucking do it.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Yeah, exactly, I was going to say a couple of weeks ago I was kind of battling some stuff and had fallen into a depression and we just had some personal stuff going on. That was, I felt, what was really bogging me down And I had this thought for just a moment, fleeting, that I should quit the podcast. And I didn't even talk to you about it and tell you about it. I had this thought of like what the fuck are you even doing?

Speaker 1:

I've had the same thought.

Speaker 2:

Just stop, just give up, and it hurt so bad to think about not doing it And I realized, like that's not growth at all, that is the opposite. That's throwing the plant in the garbage. It just sometimes hits you in those moments where you're like, no, that's not expansive, that is not bettering my well-being, and that's who I need to be concerned with is me. It's not selfish, it's self-love.

Speaker 1:

It's self-compassion.

Speaker 2:

It's acceptance of what makes me happy is what I should do.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love that And I had the same thought, probably during the same time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was just like, is this even exciting me anymore? Is this lighting me up? And I had the same feeling. And then I came to this realization that, like I do love it when it's fun and when I get to play with the episodes and make them fun, the interviews stress me out a lot. I don't love interviews. I'm gonna be real, it's just me out a lot Cause there's a third person that I have to care for and it's a lot of extra work. So those I'm still working through that.

Speaker 2:

But overall, yeah, I was like They always turn out so great.

Speaker 1:

They turn out good, yeah, And so I was like what if I just ensure that everything I do for the podcast feels light and fun and if it doesn't, then I'm not gonna do it. You know, So it's those kind of things that you gotta work through And I think you're right, like giving up would be falling into an old pattern of just like, of whatever right, Like it's not the future you.

Speaker 2:

Future. You's not gonna give up on that right, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

cheers to that. You're fucking holding out this season. No, i love those, so that's really powerful. What gives you energy makes you feel alive. Ask yourself those questions. That's right. This is also. Number four is activating your creative energy. This is the matrix, the goddess, the goddess of the matrix, right, the energy of her. What gets me into creative flow? When do I feel most creative? Simple questions, but if you really truly think about it, i'm sure you can figure it out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel most creative in the evenings, or I feel most creative after I've eaten a beautiful lunch, you know like it can be super simple.

Speaker 1:

I feel creative when I'm alone or whatever around other people. Identify those things. You need to be in creative flow this season and you're gonna get there, don't worry. This is also about challenging yourself. So, like we said, it's strength and resilience. It's not about the ease of winter where you're just like sitting back and you're resting and recovering and reflecting. You're gonna push yourself. So listen to the episode about dipping your toe into the pool of possibilities Another one of my favorite episodes.

Speaker 1:

It is all about that Get out of your comfort zone. So where do I need to challenge myself and push out of my comfort zone? Big question Where do I feel most blocked or stuck in relation to my expansion in this area? So like, where do I feel most stuck in love? And for me it's self love, like that, getting in that cycle of self hatred and like you're disgusting and all of those thoughts. And I've been listening to some really good podcasts and so many women have it and it's nothing to be ashamed of. You know this body dysmorphia, no matter what your size we talked about with Jamie No matter what your size. We see these skinny supermodels hating their bodies And it doesn't mean that they're trying to get attention. It means it's truly. It's truly an illness.

Speaker 2:

It's not this, it's not your body.

Speaker 2:

It's not here, it's here, it's in your mind, like we are all battling some version of that. Yes, we are. We just, you know, forever. And you are someone's goal. That's one thing that I always. I had this realization one day that I was like you know. The crazy thing is, i'm working so hard to not be this size, this whatever, and I am someone's goal, and that's still true, like it's just you know. God damn, can we just be happy, yeah, so can you celebrate that in the moment? Yes.

Speaker 1:

You can still have your goals to. Of course, you know whatever your vision is for yourself, but knowing that you know, celebrating it in the moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, celebrating the fact that you're working. That's the energy of love, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Then it's also about learning to shift your energy and emotions this season. It's super powerful in that transformative energy. So how do I energetically wanna feel this season? Yes, right during the summer season, yes, so I need to start feeling that. What is gonna help kick that in for me? Yeah, taking full accountability for your journey. Summer is also accountability season right?

Speaker 2:

So if we're taking aligned action.

Speaker 1:

how are we holding ourselves accountable? So how will I hold myself accountable in this season? Mm-hmm, how will I know if I'm off course, of course. Simple question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you can set these little goals. And then, if you realize I am guilty of this, where I set, this is gonna be my routine, this is what I'm gonna do and I'll do it for a while and it feels really good and I'm really making moves, and then I slide out of it a little bit and then I start going. God, i wonder why things aren't going as smoothly as they were before. I wonder why things aren't going as right as they had been. And then I realize, oh, you haven't been journaling, you haven't been meditating, you haven't been taking walks, you haven't been doing these things that seem small. They're so simple. That's the trick of it all is it's so simple if you just consistently do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, So, yeah, keep it up. Yeah, that's the important part accountability. And the last one is being of service to the community. Like I said, that's our energy around being in the community, social. So in what ways can I connect and support my community this season? How can I be of service to help others? embody more of fill in the blank of the thing you're trying to do?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

So how can I be in service of others to help them love themselves more or find more self-love? And so in that exercise you might find some tips for your own self right. Sometimes we have a hard time reflecting on our own behavior. We know it's a little bit more projection and we're gonna have an episode on that, like the world is a reflection of you. Yes, so those are really the main steps of the season and the journal questions that'll get you into the flow, definitely, to create the fruits.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and those fruits are so good, they're so worth it Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Put in the work. I know I'm really trying with my love thing. Like I still get stuck in judgment of myself and others. That's one that I still battle through.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you picked a doozy, to be honest, Like self love. You're like I'm just gonna go for the absolute hardest one And do that. Yep that's kind of what I do, going big. It's worth it. Yeah, it's worth it.

Speaker 1:

And just again, holding myself accountable in those moments like, am I judging somebody, am I judging myself? Like those are the check-ins with yourself.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And a final thought which I saw, dr McCall, yesterday.

Speaker 2:

No one day.

Speaker 1:

I see him Thursday And he I had all these neck pains. I've been sleeping. I was telling him my whole story about like I feel like shit, i feel like this and that, and he's walking around the room spraying this like energetic.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even ask him what he was doing, but I knew he was trying to clean my bad energy out of this place. He's spritzing this shit. I'm like, okay, i get it, i get it. So. But he said to me I just wanted to repeat it because I haven't fully embraced it yet, but I wanted to hand it out to others.

Speaker 1:

Okay, he said life is really about not having preferences. If we were not to have a preference, we would find much more joy and happiness and fulfillment. And so he gave the example of let's say this is a great example, because I do actually prefer this. Let's say, you prefer to be hot versus cold, and you're in Antarctic And you're freezing And your preference is to be hot. So you're just, all you can think about is like I can hate the cold, i don't like it. You're right Again, you're focused on what you don't like about it. It's that contrast. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it because I like being warm. If you had no preference, if you were like you know what this is, what it is, every moment would be exactly what it is right Every moment. Everything that happened to you would be exactly what was supposed to happen to you. That is true. Surrender and self-acceptance? Yes, it is. And so he was telling me this, and I'm like every time I meet him he tells me something, and I'm like absorbing it.

Speaker 1:

I'm just absorbing it and soaking it in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I hear when you say that Let go of the expectation. Yeah, let go of what you expect to happen. Let go of what you expect, so-and-so how they're going to react or expect your life to turn out.

Speaker 1:

Let go, let go of the expectation.

Speaker 2:

Let go of the preference And just enjoy the way it plays out. It's going to be right. It's going to be exactly what it's supposed to be, it's going to be right.

Speaker 1:

I was listening to Eckhart Tolle too today And he was talking a lot about that and how you know, like, let's say, you're in the airport and your flight, you missed your flight. This happened to me not too long ago. actually The flight, something was broken on the plane. A very serious part was broken. Oof yikes.

Speaker 2:

And I was like no thanks, They wanted people to you know.

Speaker 1:

They said the parts are in Georgia. It'll take hours, You know, rebook, whatever. Yeah, I was not upset at all.

Speaker 2:

I like.

Speaker 1:

I guess, if you had something really important planned where you had like a timeline, like I was going to LA for the concerts, but it wasn't going to mess with that, so I really in that moment I was like okay, sophia, like this is happening, yeah, there's like it's out of your control. I'm going to change my attitude about it, right.

Speaker 1:

And I was like well, i'll just go home, stay at home one more night and I'll fly out in the morning. I changed my flight, did the whole thing, was able to keep my good seats and all of that. Thank you, if you could practice that like that is so powerful. It is hard to do Yes, it is, but I know we preach a lot about like do the things you love and all these things and that's preference.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

We want to keep like. I still believe. That's why I'm still absorbing it. So I'm like you know, if you love something you should go that way. But I think when things aren't going your way, and we talked about in the happy hour, right?

Speaker 1:

You always don't know why it's not going your way. So if you can pause and just be like whatever's happening in this moment is happening for a purpose, yep, i'm not gonna judge it. It's not good or bad. It is what it is and I'm just gonna go with it. Yeah, i'm just gonna accept it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, try that. One thing I've been doing is like, if something happens and it upsets me in some way, i feel that feeling for like 45 seconds. I feel that frustration, i feel the fear, i feel you know whatever sad, angry. Yeah, for like 45 seconds I let it run its course and then I like, okay, i felt it and now let's just move on because, like you said, this is what's happened. Me wishing it was different doesn't make it different. Me wishing something happened differently, it doesn't change the course doesn't change the outcome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just let it go and move on. Find a way to be like. That Wasn't right for me for a reason. Yeah, I don't have to know what that reason is. I don't have to know. It's fine. It's the magic of manifestation. Yeah, it's happening exactly the way it's supposed to. I'm happy with that. Yes, like that's the vibe.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and when you live in that energy, it might not be that specific thing that you preferred, yep, but something else greater comes your way. Absolutely leave the door open. Chill the fuck out. Chill the fuck out. So the next week, i want you to try it and I'm gonna try it too. Yeah, really, find peace with the present moment. Yep, if something's not going your way, you're talking to somebody who's shitty, whatever. Whatever it is, yep, wipe your preference.

Speaker 2:

You don't catch the expectation when it's happening. Catch yourself going. Oh, I am doing it right now. I am hoping for this outcome. I am preferring this to happen. I am wishing for this type of you know expectation Catch it and let it go.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and my coach has talked a lot about that with me on our expectations of people set us up. so much for Being upset like if we expect Somebody and we know We know they're not that They will never be that person, but we expect it because that's our preference, my god right And so really always let down. Imagine if you didn't have that preference for that expectation of them and you just accepted them as they were like how yeah That?

Speaker 1:

person's just fucking flighty and whatever that person's rude and negative like yes, you will stop giving your energy to them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like God. What a gift, what a gift what a gift that might be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so as always, dr McCall, magical, every time I go and he's just like he talks to me and I just it's just like It's like a download. You know, it's almost like download from, like a spirit guide. Yeah and I'm just like. I'm just sitting there, I'm like yep.

Speaker 2:

I'm not judging it in the moment.

Speaker 1:

I'm like okay, yep, i'm gonna digest that and journal it and.

Speaker 1:

I know he's always giving it to me out of a place of wisdom and, like he knows It's the medicine I need. Yeah, cuz he's, you know, in the process of healing my body and he totally I was like holy fuck, i was so fucked up this last week. But Anyways, recommend, yeah for sure, yeah, so anyways, that's it. He's an expansion. We're gonna come back to you in fall, like I said, yeah, really, fall is you know, it's the harvest, it's the wild woman, it's the season of passion for me.

Speaker 2:

It's that yeah, passionate.

Speaker 1:

It's really dark feminine energy. It's beautiful So we will do an episode on that? Yeah, and Thanks for joining us. Yes, as always. Yeah, cheers, baby, go manifest your fruits.

Speaker 2:

Go manifest your fruit, damn it, cheers, cheers, baby, bye, bye.

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