Manifestation and Mimosas

Episode 58: The World is Your Reflection Part 2 - 9 Step Framework to Help You Navigate Life's Lessons

Nicole Grove & Sophia Shaffer Season 2 Episode 58

.in Part 2 we walk you through a nine-step framework  to help you navigate learning the lessons from your patterns. It’s a powerful process that will guide you to understand your patterns and the role the play  in your journey. 

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Nicole & Sophia

Speaker 1:

Welcome to part two of the world is your reflection. This is the part where we're going to get into the helping you really clean that mirror, identify the patterns fully and work through the lesson. Yeah, this is the part that gets me. Every time I could see the pattern, the lesson is really hard.

Speaker 2:

This is where the work is, and how do you learn it? How do you learn it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so put together something that I think will be helpful. There's probably lots of tools out there and, again, we are not psychologists and therapists and all that shit, so seek help where you will.

Speaker 2:

Or if you have a really great tool for this, tell us, totally, tell us. I would love to share it, I'd love to know it. Yes, I would love to repost you, exactly Just tell me.

Speaker 1:

So in the last episode you learned you gathered your. I always list, I always do this, I always do that. You found your patterns. You may have grouped them. You may find that you have a lot of relationship patterns in your life. You have a lot of this and that, and there are so many. We could do a whole podcast about this. There could be different branches of how to work through this. So this one is really helping you dissect those specific ones, maybe the common themes you have, and so I'm going to work you through, like what's the steps? And then I did some example ones, one from my life. I did one that I think is a really common one for women that I'd love to work through and just show you how to apply it, because I think that's the important part.

Speaker 1:

When you get these sort of things, you're like okay, but how? Like what's an example? I need examples. I don't know if you do, but I do, it's easier, it's easier. So here we go. You ready, I'm ready, there's nine steps. Okay, nine steps. The first is you're gonna so first get your journal out, baby. And number one is start by describing the pattern. You have to give a full description. So in the I always, you may have said and let's use the example that I use I always, I always manifest people who are taking advantage of me. This is not mine, this is a pattern I see in somebody that I love dearly and I wanted to work through this in their lens. I always manifest somebody. You know people in my life who are like parasites. They, they take advantage of my kindness and I. You know all of that stuff right, yes, yes, vampires, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's the I always. Now you need to write a detailed description of the pattern, Be specific situations, behaviors. It's a little bit of you writing the story like talk about it, and this is where free form journaling, you know, flow of consciousness works.

Speaker 1:

It's don't try to think about it too much, just write about it. You know, write about this pattern. Yeah, get it out. Yep, be very descriptive, step one you got to fully understand it, yeah, and again, I'll give you an example after we go through this, or should I do at the same time? Yeah, I think so. Okay, so then I'll give you the example, kind of a one in one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll give you the example. So in in the example that you are, you know, attracting people who take advantage of you. So so you're saying, I consistently find myself attracting people who take advantage of my kindness and generosity in various relationships and friendships, I end up in situations where I'm giving more than I receive and it leaves me feeling drained and unappreciated. I often struggle to set clear boundaries and have difficulty saying no, which perpetuates this pattern. That's a simple example. Obviously, you could do a five page journal on that. Yes, but for this specific person I'm thinking of, people are always taking advantage of their kindness and generosity. Yeah, so that's describing it. Step two explore your emotions with it. Oof, yeah, that's big. We said emotions are your compass. Right, they are tied to every action?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are, they are tied to everything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Understand what emotion it is and why are you feeling that way?

Speaker 1:

Yes, use the emotional scale, abraham Hicks, we talked about it all the time, but reflect on where you're at on that scale. So reflect on the emotions that arise when the pattern repeats. Allow yourself to fully express and explore the emotions. So an example for the one we're using is when this pattern repeats, I feel a mix of frustration, resentment and sadness. I am frustrated with myself for not asserting my needs, resentful of others for taking advantage of my kindness, and sad that my efforts to be caring and giving are not reciprocated. Yes, so that's an example, maybe different for you, but really, being honest with yourself, how do you feel about it?

Speaker 2:

What emotions are you experiencing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I wish I could work through this with this specific person, because I want them to work through this Two of those things where I want to shake somebody. Yes, so that's exploring your emotions. I also wanted to say we will have journal prompts separately available for a download because, again, there's so many ways you can use this tool, so I don't want to do that in this episode, but we'll give you some of those journal prompts for each of these. Number three is examine the beliefs and thoughts. So this is dive deeper into the underlying belief and thoughts that drive the pattern. So, like we said in the last episode, your thoughts and beliefs create your reality right, yes.

Speaker 1:

They are the reflection, so you really need to examine them. What am I thinking, what am I believing about this scenario? Yeah, what am I creating? Yeah, what am I creating? So, in this example, I believe that being kind and selfless is the right way to be, and I fear that asserting myself will lead to conflict or rejection. Yeah, I often think that if I keep giving, eventually people will appreciate and reciprocate my efforts, but it rarely happens.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I believe putting myself in second place is where I belong.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I chose this one specifically because I think a lot of women live in this energy. They have a lot of people who take advantage of them for their nurturing energy, for their loving energy, their caring energy. I think, women, there's a lot of people who vampire on our energy.

Speaker 2:

So I think it's a good one to do Well, and then we're surprised when it happens. I know it's like we keep doing it over and over again and then going like what the fuck Exactly?

Speaker 1:

Why do?

Speaker 2:

people keep taking advantage of me when I just give them all of me with no expectation of like.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Yeah, it's a very powerful one, ladies. Yeah, I know some people are connecting with it Well move past the shame of do I do this?

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh my god, I do do this. Don't be shamed about it and be like fuck, I don't even want to talk about it or touch it. Yeah, just dive in. Yeah, just dive in. Dismantle it, pull the pin on the grenade, blow that shit up and start fresh. Yeah, do it.

Speaker 1:

Number four is reflect on past experiences. So this is powerful in you could create a map of your life. When you do your, I always yeah. So like my big, one of my big patterns is, like I said, when I decide I'm just going to move, and it comes from a pattern. In my childhood we moved a lot. We were always moving. I went to like seven different schools as a kid, versus like the normal kid goes to three.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Elementary, middle, yeah, maybe whatever preschool, Just seven. We moved a lot, States to state, all of that stuff and so I developed this thought and belief that moving was exciting and we got to start fresh and it was also scary because nobody liked me and my sister so we got treated like shit. But seeing that pattern over my life is now makes me understand why I choose to do that now.

Speaker 1:

Because I didn't have a choice. Before I was a kid, we were moving, yes. So now I'm like, well, just going to move on, yeah, just going to move and leave Urg-guards K, you know, yeah, that's my pattern.

Speaker 2:

It's hard, I'll leave it behind One of my patterns. I have many.

Speaker 1:

So so, reflecting on your past experiences, consider whether there are any past experiences that might have contributed to the information of this pattern. Reflect on how those experiences have influenced your belief, choices and behaviors, kind of like I just said. Yeah, so in the example we're working through, reflecting on my past, I see that my pattern of being taken advantage of goes back to my childhood. I learned that being agreeable and putting others' needs first was how I was gained approval and love. As a result, I developed a belief that my worth is tied to how much I do for others. Yeah, yeah. How many women feel that way? Too many, too many.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Too many? Yeah, and so the one that ties to it is number five is seek patterns in other areas of your life. So, while you've identified this one, you're like, okay, I for me, I move a lot, and all this, where else is this sort of showing up? Yeah, so expand your perspective by examining if this pattern appears in other areas of your life. So this is why the grouping them so mine is about, you know, maybe the general challenges of moving, but then maybe it also shows up in relationships for me, right. Or maybe it also shows up in career. So are there other areas where you're seeing this happen? Right, look for commonalities and connections between different situations or relationships where the pattern manifests. Right. Very deep thinking here, yeah, so an example of this for ours is this pattern of feeling taken advantage of also manifests in my work environment, where I often feel, where I often take on more tasks than I can handle to avoid disappointing others or being seen as unhelpful.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it's so funny because I literally this is the example person and I see that in their work like they're just burned out and exhausted, taking on everything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because God forbid someone see them as not doing the most to be helpful. Yes, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Such a gosh, yeah, so many women I guess it's a hard one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Number six is to connect with your values. So values are so important we're going to talk about a little bit in the purpose episode as well but values reflecting on your core values. Consider how this pattern aligns or conflicts with them. So we all have values and if you haven't done a value exercise I can't remember which episode we did it on, but you can Google search, yeah, yeah. Yeah, there's plenty of ways. Brené Brown has a really good one. You can search her value exercise and you can narrow down to your top values in your life and really understand. Like, what do I stand for? Your values are how you stay in alignment with your purpose. It's the ways you're showing up, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So explore whether the pattern is hindering your ability to live in alignment with the values and what it means for your personal growth. Yeah, an example of this coming to life is. This pattern conflicts with my core value of self-respect, fairness and balance in relationships. It prevents me from living in alignment with these values and erodes my self-esteem. Yeah, so once you figure out your values, compare it with this pattern. Yeah, like, you'll see the conflict. Well, it's like, are you?

Speaker 2:

valuing your time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, are you valuing your?

Speaker 2:

own like self-worth, all of that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, when I think about my moving on and I'm going to call it running away I just like I move on, you know. But I like security too. You know what I mean. So definitely conflicts with that like feeling secure, you know. Then you're always on unstable ground, right?

Speaker 1:

Yes, number seven identify the reoccurring lessons where we get into the shit, okay. Okay, based on your reflections, identify common themes or reoccurring messages in the pattern. So this is gonna. This might take you a day, a week, a month. Well, and give it the time. Give it the time it needs. Ask yourself what is this pattern trying to teach me? What lesson or growth opportunity is embedded in it? And this is the key, because you might not be able to see it and you could ask somebody else. Be like what do you think this means? Like I said, when I was crafting this episode, I was talking to Kyle and taking him through it with his and mine, and we were reflecting on each other, and having somebody else that you trust reflecting on it again is super important. Yes, so the reoccurring lesson of the example we're taking you through is to learn to set healthy boundaries and prioritize my needs without feeling guilty or fearing rejection. I think fearing rejection is key in this one.

Speaker 1:

It's about recognizing my worth beyond what I do for others.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Repeating that recognize your worth beyond what you do for others. Yes, all women need to hear that. Yep, it is. Why is that so ingrained in us that that's where our value comes from? I don't know why, but it is, it is For sure. Yeah, it's a bummer.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely it's a bummer, Absolutely it's a bummer and it is. How much more of yourself can you give? Yeah, it's so fucking toxic.

Speaker 1:

It is toxic, god damn, it's poison in your life. Yeah, so that is the reoccurring lesson, right? Yeah, recognize your worth beyond what you do for others, value self-respect, fairness and balance in relationships. So then we go a little bit deeper with summarizing the lesson. So you write a concise summary of the lesson you've uncovered, capture the core message or insights, distill it into a simple and clear statement. So this example would be the lesson is to honor and respect myself, set clear boundaries and let go of the belief that my worth is determined by my ability to please others.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So your worth is not determined by your ability to please others. Yeah, so summarize it so you identify the lesson. You kind of dissect it a little bit and then summarize it simply so you can remember it.

Speaker 2:

And for me it's very much realizing and remembering that it's not what I give to others that I get back in my life, it's what I give to myself that I get back in my life, plain and simple. Yes, like that is it. It is it Really is. I don't know why that's hard. Yeah, it doesn't have to be.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But for some reason it is yeah.

Speaker 1:

It really is. Yeah, this is life man.

Speaker 2:

The lessons and Life as a woman?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, it's not. Even Men don't have this fucking problem. It's not fun, I don't like it. I would say I didn't sign up for it, but apparently we did so. Then the last one, number nine, is my favorite because I'm an action kind of girl.

Speaker 2:

It's the action steps.

Speaker 1:

What are you going to do about it? This is the part where I want to shake people, and I was talking to my coach, andrea, and I was like I just can't take it. I can't take it. I'm surrounded by these people who are like this right, yeah, again, I always. And they don't want to do anything about it. They just want to sit and complain about it and be miserable and be sad and be upset. And I'm always like what are you going to do?

Speaker 2:

Yes, what are you going to do about it?

Speaker 1:

That's my always-reanswer. My reaction, my way of nurturing, is not being like oh, I'm so sorry you poor thing. Mine is like pick yourself up. Yeah, You're better than this. Let's go. That's my way of nurturing People may not like it or may not like it, but that's who I am. So I'm all about the action man. You must need that. Some people need it.

Speaker 2:

Even if you don't want it, if you don't like it, you need it.

Speaker 1:

I might be the slap in the face that you don't want, but just because in my life, every time, I don't know, maybe it's something I need to reflect on, as part of my gift is being able to see something and take action on it. Yes, I don't know, maybe for me it comes naturally, so maybe that is something I need to be aware of, and not everybody has that. But damn it. Yes, I want to shake you, ladies, like you got to make the move in the direction. I don't have time, I'm too busy. Ba da, ba, da blah.

Speaker 2:

Either make it happen or make an excuse. Yeah, you're not.

Speaker 1:

My coach put me on a social media detox. Like I am not, the only thing I'm doing on Instagram is posting our stuff. I'm not scrolling. I deleted TikTok a while ago. I'm not listening to podcasts for a month, completely detoxing from all incoming stuff so I can focus on my creative energy, that's. So do the same with everyone else's bullshit, yeah, yeah. So action steps, brainstorm, action steps you can take to integrate the lesson and break free from the pattern.

Speaker 1:

Consider practical ways to implement the lesson in your life, making positive changes aligned with your growth. This is where a coach comes in handy, a therapist, all of those sorts of things. If you are unable to create the action steps for yourself, yeah, let us know what your pattern is. And if you're like, hey, what do you think we can give you some thoughts. But again, if you have a coach, a therapist, really great. Yes. So some action steps for our dear gals who are manifesting these vampires in their life. Number one practicing no when you need to, and communicate your boundaries assertively, yes. So my coach, andrea, talked to me about radical boundaries, and so I. She had created kind of her own. I wanna get the definition of it. She had created her own definition of it as well. But she said radical boundaries. Bernay Brown said it best daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

So radical boundaries are clear and firm limits that an individual establishes to protect their well-being, values and personal space. They're designed to assert one's needs, maintain personal integrity and prevent others from crossing emotional, physical and psychological boundaries. Yeah, Radical boundaries not just boundaries.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Right, so we'll share in a minute. Maybe some ways you can do that, or what they look like. But number one practicing no, try it out today. Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. Communicate your boundaries assertively, yeah. Number two remind yourself that it's okay to prioritize your needs and well-being. This might be an affirmation you need to create for yourself during the day.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, we've already talked a little bit about it. You can turn any of these things into affirmations, but create that mantra for yourself Wake up in the morning, say it. Yep, even if you don't believe it yet. Yes, say it anyway. Turn on it yeah meditate on it, make it your mantra yeah. Number three seek out relationships that are based on mutual respect. So I think that's great Like if this is your pattern and you're always manifesting these vampires. Maybe you need a more conscious seeking of your friends.

Speaker 2:

That's a hard one to transition into. Yeah, because you can seek out people who you're like. Wow, I feel really respected by you and I feel like there's a mutual understanding of boundaries here and this feels like a healthy relationship. But takers are always gonna take Yep and they expect givers are always gonna give yes and there's no limit or boundary to that relationship for them. There's no limit or, you know, boundary to that understanding for them. So distancing yourself from those is the hard part. That's where the work is to say no, you know what. I'm not going to cancel my plans to do something that you want me to do because you say you need me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I am going to stick to the boundary I set and this new relationship that I'm creating. It's really difficult because essentially, you're breaking up with, like friends or coworkers or you know, partners. You know it gets to that point where you go, I need to distance myself from you, which is incredibly difficult. Incredibly difficult if you are new to it. Incredibly difficult if you're used to giving all of yourself and suddenly you're not. It's fucking hard. So I think, if someone's listening to this, going like that's what I need to do, and then they try to do it and they're like holy shit, this is hard, I don't want to do it. I don't want you to be in some false belief that, like this is all you have to do and it's easy. No, it's really fucking hard and you're going to go through it, girl, you're going to go through it. Please keep going. Yes, please keep trying. Please take small steps. Yes, not easy, but it is worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's not easy. And even Jamie Lerner she said you know once I can't remember exactly what she said, but she talked about when you're coming home to your true self and who you are and respecting yourself, you lose friends. Yeah Right, so it's the same thing Like when you start respecting yourself enough to set those radical boundaries. Yes, you might lose people. Maybe that's okay. It's okay, right, yes. Number four work on developing a stronger sense of self worth, independent of external validation. This one is big for me as well.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say that's tough.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so you know you can. There's lots of ways you can work on developing a stronger sense of self worth. Again, a lot of journaling, a lot of reflecting on where this is coming from, cause it's coming from somewhere deeper or to. You know you can see, if you do sort of the map of your life and the major events and that was another way I was shaping the episode is like there's these quantum moments and talk about the purpose episode, shape your life changes that put you on a different path. Right, yeah, so there's moments in your life that that formulated this yeah, likely in childhood, maybe you know, you had a parent that told you yeah, maybe you only got, you only got shown love. Yeah, you were doing well at something you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, things reinforce something that were just quickly. I want to know something that you could research or look into. Something that I am currently working on with my therapist is attachment style, and you know, figuring out what type of attachment style you are can really help key into oh, that's why this is the relationship that I'm in. That's what I react this way when you know my partner and I are spending all day together and then they want to go do something else and I feel rejected by that. Or when I want to keep giving and giving and giving because I think that that's going to bring me love or acceptance, and then you know, you're shocked when it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Maybe dig into research what your attachment style is and that can help clue you into why am I acting in these ways? Why do I, you know, make the same type of choices over and over again, even with new people in the new places? Yes, kind of doing the same patterns? You should understand a little bit about yourself and go like, okay, this, this, probably, and it's directly rooted in your childhood 100% because you create it's what it, not to get too too far into it.

Speaker 2:

Please research it for yourself. It's incredibly helpful. It has been for me. So what attachment style you created with your caregiver? So if you have a secure attachment style with your caregiver, then then you probably are doing things pretty securely. There's a void and attachment and there is anxious attachment where you're very clinging and hanging and afraid they're going to leave. What that means or avoid it, where you're basically going like I'll leave you before you leave me. That's me, I know. And then there is another one that's a little bit more rare, which, not to brag, but yours truly has officially been identified with that attachment style. It comes directly from trauma and it's basically like it's called disorganized attachment or fearful, anxious attachment. It's. It's sort of like you oscillate between both. One day you're very avoided and the next day you're very anxious, or you're you know you're perfectly fine being on your own and they're you know they're doing their own thing and you don't give a fuck.

Speaker 2:

And then they come back and they show you some affection and some love and you're like, oh, my god, I am attached to you and then they go do something else and you're like now you've left me it's a very deep dive into explaining why you are the way you are, and I think that that can help you in this. I like that probably went on a little bit longer than I needed to go, but it has been incredibly helpful for me. I'm just, I'm just diving into it, I'm really learning, and the thing I think I want to wrap it up with is you can learn to have a secure attachment.

Speaker 2:

Style, which really is the goal to be secure, and the way to do that is creating a secure attachment to yourself is not about your relationship with others, which is where it came from. It is about your relationship to yourself. So learning how to create a secure attachment to yourself can give you tools and you know all of the things that you need to kind of create this, the shift in your life where you go. I am tired of these behaviors and I'd like to be this way instead.

Speaker 1:

That's good, that's powerful. We should do an episode on it.

Speaker 2:

I know I was gonna text you about it and I'll just talk to her about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's commit to that, yeah it's great For the season's over because I wanna dig in. I'll leave you before you leave me. Watch me bitch.

Speaker 2:

You, I think, will be blown away when you start to learn oh, this is how your attachment style was created and this is how I perpetuated that pattern and this is how it's manifesting in my current life. It has been a game changer for me.

Speaker 1:

I bet, okay, I need to reflect. I mean immediately, I'm like it's definitely for my mother like leaving me and childhood Because it's your caregiver.

Speaker 2:

And if your caregiver, we shouldn't get into it now. We will get into it then.

Speaker 1:

But yes, we're fucking doing it. We're doing it. Okay, well, back to number five, Because no, that was a good tangent. It was a good tangent. This kind of relates seek support from friends, family or therapist to reinforce your growth and progress.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and to help you see things you did not see before.

Speaker 1:

Don't yeah, not the toxic vampires. Don't seek support from them. No, thank you. So there are lots of examples you can run through and I wanna say, like the really fun part about this, and you guys can all try it too. So how I got this example? I had the framework that I created, though I just walked you through the nine steps. I asked AI to run through a pattern of somebody who always meets people like this, this vampire, and AI was the one who wrote this. Oh, so this wasn't me coming up with this person. Cause again, why don't you choose your own thing? I have my own thing, but I don't think my own thing is impactful is what the women, our audience, need to hear. There's a lot of women out there who are attracting people or taking advantage of them.

Speaker 2:

Yes, who are willingly?

Speaker 1:

giving all of them. Yes, so it was interesting because when I read it I was like, oh wow, like AI's got it, you know but, I do have my own examples and, like I said, we all have multiple patterns, so reflecting into them. The pattern where I manifest people in authority positions who make me feel worthless is one that we've talked about many times on this podcast. I didn't wanna use that one cause you know I'm tired, I'm tired of talking about that one, but Fair enough.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's fun, so you can try it. You can take the pattern and maybe you're not able to see it. Yes, you run it through AI. See what AI tells you, and maybe you're like oh, cause when it said this stuff about recognizing my worth beyond what I do for others. I'm like that is this person, that's it. I was like it's so right on.

Speaker 2:

I love when you get that little nugget and you're like that is fucking it.

Speaker 1:

That's the light bulb, that's the shift. Yes, so if you're not using AI, get with it. You can also formulate your own journal questions with AI too. So dig into something like maybe a specific thing. You're like how do I feel more worthy of this and that and this, and that? It's a brilliant tool.

Speaker 2:

Don't be left behind. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the last thing I wanted to touch on was just going back to radical boundaries Just how these sort of how these are Like, what are the traits of them? So, first of all, be very clear with your boundary. Yes, there is no lack of clarity in a radical boundary. Yep, it is stating exactly what you mean. There's no ambiguity. It's straightforward.

Speaker 2:

Yes, clarity. Be, clear about it before you set that boundary to someone else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a regular boundary might be like no, I'm not feeling like it today. Clear one is like I'm not feeling like it because of X, Y and Z. Yes, Right, Yep, Be consistent. If you sway once, the energy vampires are like oh, I got an in.

Speaker 2:

They know if they can get you to do it once, they can get you to do it again.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, that's the bottom line yes, so be consistent in setting your radical boundaries. Yep Number three do not negotiate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Don't negotiate your boundaries. There is no like oh okay, well, just this one to oh no, oh what? It's not open to compromise. Radical boundaries are not open to compromise. Maybe regular boundaries are Sure, we're talking radical share yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're set in stone Well, and if you're creating goals with your partner, let's say sure interpretation, there's some negotiation. When you're setting radical boundaries for your own mental health, for your own self-worth, there is no compromise, yeah, Period.

Speaker 1:

None Done, Done. Number four be a self-advocate.

Speaker 2:

So, again.

Speaker 1:

your radical boundaries are about you. They're about you, not anyone else, so you need to advocate for you. Nobody else is gonna advocate for your freaking boundary.

Speaker 2:

It's important that it is about you Exactly. I think a lot of people are like I'm afraid for it to be all about me, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's the most important.

Speaker 2:

Be assertive, baby. It is about you only.

Speaker 1:

Yes. And then the last one respect yourself and others, so focus on self-protection, but also, you know, respect the boundaries of other people. Yeah. So if you don't respect other people's boundaries, how are you gonna respect your own?

Speaker 2:

How do you expect?

Speaker 1:

them to respect your boundaries, exactly, yeah, exactly. So you know, be aware Totally Of how you are with other people's boundaries. Yes, yeah, it can be all about you, but not in the shitty way. Yeah, so that's it. We'll share some journal prompts for each of those, the framework. There's lots of other ways you can do this. You can do a map of your life. There's so many cool things. I think it's been like six weeks of kind of curating this episode. Yeah, I mean, like I said, it could be a whole podcast.

Speaker 1:

So, Mm-hmm, but that's what we got. Season two of. You know seeing your patterns Go back to season one. We're on a journey here. Yeah, totally Right, yes ma'am, okay, well, good luck yeah.

Speaker 2:

Good luck, you can do it. It's not easy.

Speaker 1:

I believe in you. It's worth it. Yeah, and I just wanna shake you. Whoever you are out there, keep repeating the same patterns. It's time for some action. Yeah, take some action. Yep, all right, thank you, we'll talk to you later.

Speaker 2:

Bye See you.

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